Could you use a refresher on Project access rights? In today's Q&A, we'll review a few project security options, how to access BG logs when the server isn't cooperating, and a calendar "issue" with MS Project.
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1. Security for Project Access
2. On Demand—Check/Get App/BG Logs
3. Calendars Unavailable in MS Project
1. Which security right is needed to see project access?
To see project access, the security right is "Project – Edit Access Rights" at the instance and OBS level. There is similar access at the global level; it can be granted by granting the "Project – Edit Management All" and "Administration – Authorization" rights. Note, the "Administration – Authorization" would also allow users to view the following:
2. How can I check BG logs On Demand, when the browser is hiding them (due to a beacon issue—server is not appearing)?
Try the following action:
3. Why can't I see calendars in the 14.4 Clarity interface with MSP 2016?
The screenshot above appears to be the Project Calendar in MSP, and it's the calendars in Clarity PPM (CA PPM) that map your Resource Calendars. From the MSP Resource Sheet, click on a Resource and then . . . voila!
A special thank you to Vipin Chouhan, Navdeep Joshi, Sankhadeep Dhar, Chris Shaffer, Lisa Olsen, Ramesh Rathnam, and the Rego Guides for this Q/A material.
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