Camille Pack

About Camille Pack

Camille Pack has been in marketing for over a decade and started her career as a college composition instructor during graduate school. Technical writing lends itself well to mastery, and in her time at Rego, Camille offered clients product support, configured environments, and served as both a project manager for an internal reporting group and a business analyst for a large external client. Camille holds an MA in Literature and Writing, and a BS in Biology.

ServiceNow | Knowledge18 was incredible!

By Camille Pack|May 21, 2018 4:49:59 PM

Knowledge18 was an amazing event. It was one of those conferences where participants were still in..

ServiceNow | Free Agile Webinar & Classes

By Camille Pack|Apr 12, 2018 4:19:55 PM

This is big. Learn how to implement Agile processes in ServiceNow with a free webinar and half-day..

ServiceNow | Rego’s SAFe credentials just got SAFer

By Camille Pack|Apr 12, 2018 3:24:39 PM

Many of our clients are asking questions like, “We’re adopting Agile. What does this mean for PPM?”..

ServiceNow | Smart Orgs Join PPM and ITFM

By Camille Pack|Apr 4, 2018 4:37:05 PM

For more and more organizations, technology doesn't just enable the business, it IS the business—..

ServiceNow | How to Choose the Best PPM Solution

By Camille Pack|Mar 7, 2018 3:50:08 PM

Project & Portfolio Management is a Significant Investment.

How do you get the best return on your..

ServiceNow | MSP Connector

By Camille Pack|Feb 26, 2018 10:00:00 AM

Bridging the gap between ServiceNow and Microsoft Project: new connector available

Rego Consulting..

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