Clarity PPM | Learn with Rego: Data Warehouse Attribute Issue

let-rego-be-your-guide-guidebookRego is celebrating Fridays by sharing Questions & Answers about Clarity PPM (CA PPM) with our ever-expanding knowledge-community, so we can all learn as much as possible.

Today's Learn PPM with Rego explores five topics.

1. Is there a known issue in Clarity PPM 14.2, when including Attributes in the Data Warehouse (DWH)?

2. For tracking interface changes, should we use Custom Object instead of OOB Auditing?

3. What might cause a duplicated Project in a List View? 

4. Is anyone having trouble using a full sync to update a username in the Jasperserver?

5. Can we post future transactions to the WIP?

Please feel free to comment on our answers and any alternative answers you've found within the complete article here, in the CA Community. 

We love your input (always).

And a special thanks to the brilliant Navdeep Joshi and the Rego Team for this great material.

By Camille Pack|June 17, 2016

About the Author: Camille Pack

Camille Pack

Camille Pack has been in marketing for over a decade and started her career as a college composition instructor during graduate school. Technical writing lends itself well to mastery, and in her time at Rego, Camille offered clients product support, configured environments, and served as both a project manager for an internal reporting group and a business analyst for a large external client. Camille holds an MA in Literature and Writing, and a BS in Biology.

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